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the guy won
osama lost
yea he doese
coulda bet a csgo lotto but no
idk fam
this seems legit
Kaneshiro Takeshi has won the round!
o bb
that was close
its fixed highest skin wins
past two
were high
spidey won with 22% doe
ez for jue
im out fuck this copy site
set has won the round!
rip me
Nobody has joined the current round yet.
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Recent Winners
won round #138529 with 35 items, had a winning chance of 33% and made $ 27.52 of profit.
+ 26 more..
Kaneshiro Takeshi
won round #138528 with 41 items, had a winning chance of 33% and made $ 40.03 of profit.
+ 32 more..
won round #138527 with 49 items, had a winning chance of 61% and made $ 91.39 of profit.
+ 40 more..
won round #138526 with 22 items, had a winning chance of 82% and made $ 56.57 of profit.
+ 13 more..
won round #138525 with 39 items, had a winning chance of 43% and made $ 1114.27 of profit.
+ 30 more..